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Version: 3.1.0

Install Netly

For install netly you need use package manager or compile source code.

Unity Asset store

[!INFO] For install netly library on unity application you have 3 way for do it: 1th use unity package manager (asset store), 2th include netly dll on your unity project and must include Byter dll, see here, or 3th include netly source code on your projeto, for this case I you recommend use git submodule.

Netly on unity asset store, here


$ dotnet add package netly
# or
$ dotnet add package netly --version 3.0.0

Netly on nuget (C# package manager), here

Build source code

# 1. clone project
$ git clone netly

# 2. build project
$ dotnet build netly/ -c Release -o netly/bin/

# Netly.dll require Byter.dll because is Netly dependency
# Netly.dll and Byter.dll have on build folder <netly-path>/bin/

You might use Netly.dll & Byter.dll on your project, e.g: you may use netly with language like (java, c++ or etc).