Install Netly
For install netly you need use package manager
or compile source code.
Unity Asset store
[!INFO] For install netly library on unity application you have 3 way for do it: 1th use
unity package manager (asset store)
, 2th includenetly dll
on your unity project and must includeByter dll
, see here, or 3th include netly source code on your projeto, for this caseI you recommend use git submodule.
$ dotnet add package netly
# or
$ dotnet add package netly --version 3.0.0
Build source code
# 1. clone project
$ git clone netly
# 2. build project
$ dotnet build netly/ -c Release -o netly/bin/
# Netly.dll require Byter.dll because is Netly dependency
# Netly.dll and Byter.dll have on build folder <netly-path>/bin/
You might use Netly.dll & Byter.dll on your project, e.g: you may use netly with language like (java, c++ or etc).